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April: Sunshine

First months of Ash Lark

April was sunny, warm and full of lovely walks. Also, I had sold my old fancy camera in March and bought an iphone for the money because I wanted to have a good camera at hand and I think the photos reflect the change.

April 4th, 2021

Lisa and Ash went for a walk somewhere else and I had half a day to myself and it was glorious
Watching story-time
Selfie from my first day out on my own
Celebrating my birthday with steak for dinner
Having lunch outside with Martin and Frankie
Martin and Frankie visiting for the first time since Ash was born
Ash eating Lisa's innocent arm
Drooling on a pillow
Walking with along Rivelin with Jude and Zadie
Ash coveting Lisa's beer
Having dinner in the front room
Chilling at Agden Resevoir
Walking in the magical forest
Dinner at Rivelin Pub
Lisa and Ash in matching outfits

Design, code and photos by Jonas Arnfred