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Essauira (Part 3) + Dunes

Morocco with Lisa and Ash

An album of many trips to the rockpools and many trips to the beach and dunes. We found hermit crabs and other creatures and spent hours basking in the sun exploring the tidal pools behind the harbour

January 26th, 2023

Exploring the tide pools with Essauira in the background
Finding treasure
Heading out at night to get an orange juice with ginger and a pancake with amlou
Finding a hermit crab
More rockpools with Essauira in the background
Evening panorama
Ash was delighted to get a balloon
More beach adventures the next day
Breadbox telephone
A strangely shaped sea-creature
Lisa by a rock formation we explored on our way back towards the city
Ash enjoying his drink with many straws the night before our departure to Imlil

Design, code and photos by Jonas Arnfred