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Heaphy trail day 3

New Zealand and Cook Islands

The third day of the Heaphy trail walking from the Mackay hut to the Gouland Downs hut across the downs and some really nice limestome formations. (No photos were taken on the last day of the trek so day 4 from Gouland Downs to Brown's Hut doesn't have an album)

January 1st, 2014

Emily disappearing in the long grass
Gouland Downs on a grey day
Manuka flowers
The trail was very well maintained
My favorite shot from the heaphy trail
A beautiful hang bridge
Right next to the downs was an area with limestone formations that we went to explore after arriving at the our hut
Moss and limestone
Everything is green!
Emily has found a cave
We came across this big cave hidden away in the forest
Looking out of the cave over the downs

Design, code and photos by Jonas Arnfred