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Beihn Ghlas, Ben Lawers, An Stuc & Meall Garbh

Warmer Weather

During a weekend at Firbush I went up to hike Ben Lawers accompagnied by Dave. We ended up following the ridge around and climbed four munroes and being snowed on a good dozen times in the very changeable spring weather.

April 30th, 2016

It doesn't take long before the ground is covered in a thin layer of snow on our ascend to Beihn Glas
Dave leading the way as we approach the top of Beihn Glas
The view due north from Beihn Glas
Following the ridge we walked over towards Ben Lawers
Snowy clouds were collecting over Loch Tay
A panorama taken from the side of Ben Lawers
The view due north from Ben Lawers
The top of Ben Lawers covered in a layer of hard icy snow
Snow formations
The view west from the top of Ben Lawers
Dave on the top of Ben Lawers
The route forward over An Stuc to the left and then Meall Garbh in the background next to it
Shortly after we started the walk down from Ben Lawers a cloud came in and visibility fell dramatically
The view back towards Ben Lawers
Dave on An Stuca
The view down the rocks by An Stuc
It was still and warm on An Stuc so we had a well deserved break before heading for the next top
I'm posing for a photo
An Stuc and Ben Lawers as seen from Meall Garbh
Dave looking back towards An Stuc
Walking up the last stretch towards Meall Garbh
The view west from Meall Garbh
At the last top of the day

Design, code and photos by Jonas Arnfred