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Vancouver Vacation

A Long Time Away From Home

I visited Tautvydas, Angelique and Clemens in Vancouver and had some relaxing days enjoying the Canadian equivalent of Seattle (but better in every way)

June 11th, 2016

Part of the harbour in Vancouver
The view towards downtown as seen from Kitsilano Beach
Tautvydas enjoying and ice cream and being up to no good
Tautvydas in the forest
Lunch break with Moseley Junior + Senior (taken by Tautvydas)
A tree that started out growing the wrong way but quickly realized it's error
Tautvydas and I looking cool (because we'd made it to where we were going)
The view looking down
More vancouver
Stanley Park
The lions gate bridge
The lions gate bridge (again)
Up close and personal
Vancouver skyline
Boats and buildings

Design, code and photos by Jonas Arnfred