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Touring the Uists

Outer Hebrides

From Harris we took the ferry to Berneray and visited Natasha on North Uist where we stayed an evening before heading down over Benbecula and staying overnight South Uist before finally driving to Barra and spending our last evening on Vatersay

May 3rd, 2018

The beach on Berneray in grey weather
Mist in my beard
Lisa swimming
Lisa and Natasha on the rocks
Lisa and Natasha getting ready for a swim
Natasha took a cute photo of us
Cute flowers on the rocks
Lisa walking on the beach in South Uist
Me running naked in to the waves on Vatersay
Me regretting my life choises
Lisa in the waves
A cow and a calf is watching us running in to the water
Rocks on the beach
Lisa's face looking happy
Skipping rocks
Walking in the hills of Vatersay
Three colors
Lisa jumping over a very wide and rapid stream
Lisa celebrating successfully jumping over the very wide and rapid stream

Design, code and photos by Jonas Arnfred